「give と get  発想から学ぶ英語」松本道弘(1975)を斜め読みした

「give と get  発想から学ぶ英語」松本道弘(1975)を斜め読みした。


give と get 発想から学ぶ英語(1975)



「他の生徒もいる。彼女だけを甘やかしてはいけません」を訳すと、Don't give her too much of what she wants (to get).という。「甘え」というコトバはGive と Get で因数分解できる」というのが面白い。


I'm getting a haircut.

Give me a shave / a tonic / a permanent wave /a massarge / the works 

I got a raise yesterday.

get recognition / a bad reputation / publicity / strokes*1

Since I got  a broken leg, Mr. Hara (kindly) gave me a drive home. 

get a recommendation/ a nomination (a nod) / a swollen leg

get a broken leg / a broken neck / a broken rib bone / a fractured skull

In Judo, they say : Give in to get what you want. The same principle applies for getting your husband's love and attention.

Softness overcomes hardness.

Soft words win hard hearts.

Give an inch and get (take) a mile.

Would you please give me the room key. I've forgotten to take it with me when I got out of the room.
