New York Timesによる安倍新政権の紹介


“Abe Begins With Focus On National Security”(「安倍新政権、国家安全に焦点」)という題名で、今朝のIHT一面に記事が載っていた。
 冒頭に、”Shinzo Abe, a popular nationalist who has vowed to make Japan more assertive globally, became prime minister on Tuesday, and appointed a cabinet packed with social and foreign policy conservatives.”という冒頭で始まるこのNew York Timesの記事の閣僚紹介の中で、”Another was the selection of Eriko Yamatani as education advisor. A 56-year-old former reporter for Sankei Shimbun, a rightist daily, Yamatani has been a vocal critic of sexual education and teaching of “excessive” gender equality in schools. The new state minister in charge of gender equality Sanae Takaichi, is another social conservative who opposes allowing women to keep their maiden names after marriage.”と、学校での性教育と「行き過ぎた」ジェンダー平等に批判的な元産経新聞のレポーターである山谷えり子氏を教育担当に、男女平等担当に、結婚後に旧姓を名乗ることに反対している保守的な高市早苗氏をあてたと報じている。
"Instead, many here believe one of Abe’s top priorities will likely be revising the pacifist Constitution, written by the postwar American occupiers, to permit the country to have full-fledged armed forces. Abe has also spoken in favor of a new law to allow Japan to send troops overseas on peacekeeping missions, and of closer military cooperation with Washington, Tokyo’s most important ally."と、経済よりも、優先順位で上位を占めるのは平和憲法の改定であり、日本の軍隊を海外に送る新法と、ワシントンとのより親密な軍事協力であると書かれている。