
The Sorrows of Empire

 チャルマーズ=ジョンソン(Chalmers Johnson)氏は、"The Sorrows Of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, And The End Of The Republic (The American Empire Project)"の中で、次のように書いている。
 "Like most other Americans who are not actively involved with the armed forces, I paid little attention to our empire of military bases until February 1996, when I made my first visit to our de facto American military colony of Okinawa, a small Japanese island that we have continuously occupied since 1945.....In 1996, in the wake of the rape of a twelve-year-old Okinawan girl by two American marines and a sailor, I was invited by the island's governor, Masahide Ota, to speak about the problem of our bases. I visited Kin village---almost totally swallowed by the marines' massive Camp Hansen, where the abduction and rape had occured---and inverviewed local officials."