

 マオリ学部の建物の1階に、課題の提出箱がある。これまで習った事項についての簡単な、といっても私にとっては大変にむずかしいのだが、課題が出ていた。昨日、なんとかその課題を仕上げて提出しに行った際に、マオリ学部の建物の中で美しい音楽が流れていた。提出し終わった後に椅子に座って聞きほれていた私は受付にいた2人の女性に、「この音楽の歌手の名前とCDのタイトルはわかりますか」と尋ねた。フィリマコ=ブラック(Whirimako Black)の「タンギハク(tangihaku)」(Mai Publishing Ltd.)だと教えてくれた*1。「ちょっとジャジーで、現代的な感じで、でもとても美しいですね」というと、「ポウナム(pounamu)っていうアルバムもいいアルバムなんだけど、いま絶版みたいね」と言った。
 早速、図書館のインターネットで少し調べ、マオリ語の講師のヘミに、彼女の音楽について聞いてみた。私の関心事は、あまりに現代的にしすぎて、民族的な伝統や魂を売り渡していないかという点と、ウケをねらうあまりに、安っぽい音楽に堕していないかということなのだが、講師のヘミの返事によれば、彼はとくに音楽に詳しいわけではないがと断り書きがありながらも、彼女の音楽は、美しくゆったりとしたメロディで、伝統的かつ現代的な音楽で、けっして安っぽくはないという返事が来た。マオリの男性アーティストなら、ルイア(Ruia)。アダム=ファウファウ(Adam Whauwhau)。ブラナギン=カア(Branagin Kaa)などもいいと思うと教えてくれた。

Clumsy English Writing of Mine

A CD by Whirimako Black

On the first floor of the Māori Faculty building, there is a box for submitting assignments. Completing the assignment on what I had learned in class so far was a simple task, but for me, it was very difficult. Yesterday, after finishing the assignment and going to submit it, I heard beautiful music playing in the Māori Faculty building. After submitting the assignment, I sat down in a chair to listen and asked the two women at the reception desk, "Do you know the name of the singer of this music and the title of the CD?” They told me it was "Tangihaku" by Whirimako Black (Mai Publishing Ltd.) .*1. I said, "it's a bit jazzy and modern, but very beautiful," and one of the women said, “Her album called "pounamu" is also good, but it seems to be out of print now.”
 Immediately, I did some research on the Internet at the library and asked my Māori instructor, Hemi, about her music. My concern was whether her music was too modern, whether it abandoned its folk traditions and soul, and whether it was too popular and cheap. The instructor, Hemi, replied that he was not an expert on music, but that her music was beautiful, slow, melodic, traditional and modern, and not at all cheesy. “For male Māori artists, I would go for Ruia. Adam Whauwhau, Branagin Kaa are also good choices,” said he.
 I would sometimes listen to Hawaiian music in mid-summer in Japan, and since Māori songs are Polynesian, I have an impression that they are very close to Hawaiian music. I know some of the Hawaiian music, which is really excellent, but I also think Māori music is very promising too. I am busy and do not have time right now, but surely, I will check it out in the near future. *2

1: Whirimako Black's Tangihaku is her third solo album, released in 2004.

*1:Whirimako BlackのTangihakuは彼女の三枚目のソロアルバム。2004年リリース。

*2:I have done post-editing by myself, but these sentences have been created using machine translation apps.