ニュージーランドという呼称のもつ意味 (3)

 冒頭でも触れたように、ニュージーランドとは、オランダがつけたノヴァ・ゼランド(ラテン語Nova Zeelandia/オランダ語Nieuw Zeeland)(「海の土地」という意)という名称を、その後、オランダに代わって支配したイギリスが、イギリス語風に発音し直して名づけた名称に他ならない。

Clumsy English Writing of Mine

'Aotearoa New Zealand and the Two Official Languages' (3)
“The Meaning of the Name New Zealand

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, New Zealand came from the name Nova Zeelandia in Latin or Nieuw Zeeland in Dutch("land of the sea"), which was given to the island by the Dutch colonizers, and then re-pronounced in the English language by the British, who later replaced the Dutch as rulers.
 It is the basic assertion of the Māori that Aotearoa was Aotearoa before Captain Cook arrived, and we cannot deny this as a fact. At any rate, Maori were the indigenous people of Aotearoa before it became New Zealand.
 It is needless to say that Waitangi Day, the founding day of Aotearoa New Zealand, is a historically important day for Aotearoa New Zealand. The Treaty of Waitangi is a simple three-article document, but its interpretation has been controversial due to differences between the English and Māori versions, as well as the gap between the treaty and reality. From the Māori point of view, the Treaty of Waitangi, initially a symbol of plunder and betrayal on the part of British, which Māori had never confirmed, came to be seen again as a political basis and weapon to restore their miserable reality to at least the status promised by the Treaty of Waitangi.
This is why the Māori still stick to the name of the Waitangi Day today, as opposed to the short-lived, one-time renamed New Zealand Day. This is also the reason why New Zealand should be called Aotearoa New Zealand, not New Zealand.