アオテアロアのニュージーランド化とマオリ語に対する弾圧 (4)


Clumsy English Writing of Mine

'Aotearoa New Zealand and the Two Official Languages' (4)
“The New Zealandization of Aotearoa and the Suppression of the Maori Language”

 As Aotearoa underwent New Zealandization, the spread of Christianity and the English language gradually, or in some cases rapidly, advanced following the Treaty of Waitangi.
 The Māori, like many other indigenous groups around the world, experienced a tragic suppression of their language during this process. It is important to remember that the English language, which is now regarded as the "international language," has a history rooted in the suppression, erasure, and expansion at the expense of other languages.
 In the early stages of this language shift, it was schools, rather than families or communities, that were particularly encouraged to enforce the use of English. Māori children were often physically punished by their teachers, who used belts to beat them if they spoke their native Māori language in school. This mirrors the suppression of Welsh and Scottish languages in Great Britain, as well as Irish in Ireland.