
 生徒の中では、今回残ったこの三人がおそらく一番あか抜けないグループなのかもしれない。エドワードもアンドリューも喋りが得意だし、特にエドワードはスマートでクールだ。喋くりの二人がいなくなったせいで心なしか、アイリッシュのマイケルが喋り上手になっている気がして、たまたまブラーニー城(Blarney Castle)のブラーニーストーン(Blarney stone)の話になった。
 さて、この少しさえない三人組の今回の行き先は、タラウェラ街道沿いのブルーレイク、グリーンレイクを越えた先にあるタラウェラ湖(Lake Tarawera)である。
 「きれいな魚だ」(’Beautiful fish.!’)と、レイが私に向かって繰り返す。



Clumsy English Writing of Mine

“Catches Trout in Lake Tarawera By Beginner's Luck”

Andrew also had to leave after lunch due to work.
 Charles, who is from South Africa, also left yesterday, so three out of us had already left.
 I said goodbye to Andrew.
 Since there were only three students left, including myself, Michael, Dave, and I decided to go fishing for the last chance in Ray's old car.
 Of all the students, the three of us were probably the less sophisticated group. Both Edward and Andrew are good talkers, especially Edward, who is smart and cool. The two eloquent guys were gone, and I felt that Michael, the Irishman, was becoming more talkative, and we happened to talk about the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle.
 The Blarney Stone is a stone in Blarney Castle in Ireland that is said to become eloquent when kissed. As I mentioned earlier, it is famous for tourists kissing the stone, and I happen to know about the Blarney Stone from my habit of reading the Lonely Planet. When I mentioned this, Ray, a lecturer who claims to be one-fourth Irish, told me that the Blarney Stone is famous for being used by many tourists who urinate on it when they are not there, and that he would never kiss it, and it got a good laugh from everyone*1.
 Now, the destination of this slightly dull trio this time was Lake Tarawera, which is located beyond Blue Lake and Green Lake along the Tarawera Road.
I had visited nearby Lake Rotomahana with my partner, so this area was a bit familiar to me.
 When we arrived at Lake Tarawera, I opened the box of flies and asked Ray, the instructor, what kind of flies I should use under this circumstance, and he said I should try the fly I had made in his fly-fishing class.
 I asked Ray to get help setting up fly fishing, put on waders, and I went into Lake Tarawera.
 It was raining lightly from time to time, but it felt good to fish at the lake with Mt.Tarawera on my right side.
 Casting is not easy, though we are told to hold our wrists and hands steady without snapping, pull hard backward and stop at 1 o'clock on the clock, and cast forward hard. Still, the line rarely tangled, as it did yesterday.
 After casting, I counted 10 for the fly to sink before I started pulling the line. I had already learned that when fishing at night or in the lake during the daytime, when indicators are rarely used, it is essential to keep the fishing rod low and the line straight without any slack between the rod and the line, so that the fish can be easily seen where the fish are. I had already learned from my instructor, Ray, that pulling the line rhythmically with a twitching motion is effective in attracting the fish to bite.
 I see Michael is in the direction of Mt. Tarawera, and Dave is further over there.
 I could occasionally hear the whip cracking the air as they cast.
 Ahead of us, I see ducks and swans were moving quietly on the lake.
 Ray, our instructor, takes turns going around the three of us and teaching us various techniques, such as reading the direction of the wind and the flow of the water in the lake.
 Even when casting is going well, it is difficult to get a good distance when there is a headwind. However, when there is a tailwind, even my poor casting can produce a good line distance as if I am a full-fledged fisherman.
 Whether I can catch fish or not, fly-fishing on the lake is always a pleasant experience.
 As usual, I was thinking about this when, after casting, I pulled the line, I suddenly felt a strike.
 Then, far ahead in the distance, I saw a silvery shining trout jump in the air.
 I screamed in excitement*2, and Ray, the instructor who was taking care of Michael, turned to me and shouted, "Raise the rod," "When the fish starts to run away, let go of the line and let it go," and "Don't loosen the line; reel it in when you can.”
 In fact, when the trout escape, he or she does so at great speed.
 The reel starts spinning on its own, making a distinctive whirring noisy sound.
 I reeled it back in, keeping my fishing rod’s tension.
 The fish jumps up again in the distance, its body wriggling and glowing. This one was a pretty big fish.
 The fight between me and my catch seemed to take quite a while. The trout seemed to be getting tired. I didn't happen to have a net, so Ray told me to approach the shore with my rod up. I saw the silvery trout lying in the shallows, but it seemed to have the energy to make one last run for it.
 “The trout is already tired from the stress, so pull it toward the shore with its mouth slightly above the surface," Ray tells me.
 I pulled the trout toward the shore, lifting its head slightly above the surface, and when he picked it up near the shore, I found it was a beautiful rainbow trout with a green dorsal fin and silver body.
 “Beautiful fish,” Ray repeatedly said to me.
 I was very happy because this time I was not treated like a childlike yesterday, but a big fish that I had cast and caught myself.
 Ray also looked happy and exclaimed to Michael who was fishing in the lake, "He caught this fella with a homemade fly he made in my fly-fishing class.
 Come to think of it, I did.
 I had been so engrossed in the fishing that I didn't realize it, but I had caught him with a fly I had made myself. This was doubly gratifying.
 As usual, Ray hit the trout a few times on the head with the wood club hanging from his waist, and then he finished off the fish.
 It was a big trout.
 It was easily the width of a human shoulder, about 60 centimeters long and three kilograms*3. 
 He said, “This is the one I raised at my place. This one must be two years old," Ray said, looking at the fish.
 I took a picture with my catch with Ray using my digital camera. Michael took the picture for us.
 Michael and Dave also fished yesterday and released the trout they caught, so we took a commemorative photo with my catch.
 Even when they would show the picture to others and say that I have caught it, it won’t be a lie.

1: I once took my family on a short trip to Ireland. We didn't have enough time to go to the Blarney Stone during the trip, but if I had had enough time, I would have kissed the stone so that I could be as good as possible at speaking English. It was truly a close call.

2: I heard that I should say "I got the bastard!" when I catch fish like this, but I cannot say that.

3:The trout is about 60 centimeters, 3 kilograms, and medium-sized. Trout and salmon are the same species, therefore in Japan, people would mistake trout for salmon because of its size.


*2:魚を捕らえたこういうときには、’I got the bastard!’と言うらしい。
