映画"American Utopia" の "Once in a Lifetime"(1980)


David Byrne's American Utopia

 David Byrne のコンサート映画 "American Utopia"(2020年)。

 そのSoundtrackからの一曲"Once in a Lifetime"はBrian Enoとの共作。Talking Heads の アルバム"Remain in Light"(1980年)からの一曲。


Remain in Light


Talking Heads The Band & Their Music by David Gans

 俺の書棚にあるTalking Headsについての一冊、David Gansの"Talking Heads The Band & Their Music"の中で、"Once in a Lifetime"についてバーンが語っているところがある。


Byrne: .... I had some words, but they weren't working. Brian sang a melody in the chorus, nonsense syllables, and I asked him to make me a cassette of the track with his nonsense singing, and I went home with it.

  I had been listening to some preachers on the radio. I played the tape very loud and adopted the character of a preacher, and kind of spontaneously spurted out the lyrics that became the verses.

  "Once in a Lifetime" juxtaposes the ordinary and the sublime. It's about a person who finds himself sort of lost and out of time, or who looks around at where he is and doesn't recognize it anymore. A little bit bewildered. Not upset or tormented, just bewildered. And then in contrast, the chorus is meant to convey a feeling of ecstatic surrender, kind of as a response to that bewilderment. It's not about disliking the suburbs, as some people have misinterpreted. To me it's more about someone just being puzzled about the fact that they exist and they find themselves wherever they are.

 ("Talking Heads The Band & Their Music"p.84)




 Talking Headsの傑作音楽映画 "Stop Making Sense" (1984年)でも、"Once in a Lifetime"はとりあげられていた。David Byrne の動きがエヴァンジェリストの牧師のような仕草で印象的だった。


Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime (Official Video) - Bing video


 Once in a Lifetime (Talking Heads song) - Wikipedia

 Appearing on NPR's All Songs Considered, musician Travis Morrison selected "Once in a Lifetime" as a "perfect song", saying: "The lyrics are astounding  they are meaningless and totally meaningful at the same time. That's as good as rock lyrics get."

(from "Once in a Lifetime (Talking Heads song) - Wikipedia)


 NPRのAll Songs Consideredに出演したミュージシャンのトラビス・モリソンは「ワンスインアライフタイム」をとりあげ「完璧な唄」と言っている。「歌詞がすごい。意味がないと同時に全体として意味をもっている。それはロックの歌詞として最高のこと。

    映画「アメリカンユートピア」の中でも、"Once in a Lifetime"のとびきり熱い演奏をみることができる。