母語を話す権利 (6)


Clumsy English Writing of Mine

‘Aotearoa New Zealand and the Two Official Languages’ (6)
The Right To Mother Tongue

 The right to life is the most important of all basic human rights, and it is precisely in order to guarantee this right to life that the rights to education and labor are important. However, it is often overlooked that in order to guarantee these basic human rights, the linguistic right to speak one's mother tongue must be guaranteed.
As with the Irish language in Ireland and the Ainu language in Japan, the restoration of the Māori language is a guarantee of the language right.
The demand for Māori as an official language also stems from the understanding of taonga as "property" in the Treaty of Waitangi. In other words, language rights are recognized as intangible but irreplaceable "property" of the people. Thus, after a long process of contestation in the Waitangi Tribunal, where various Māori rights could be revived, Māori won the official status of Māori language in 1987.
Today, schools are generally divided into three types: total immersion schools, bilingual (English and Māori) schools, and schools where the language is taught in English. The Kohanga Reo (language nest) movement, which began in 1981 and uses only Māori language, spread nationwide the following year, increasing the number of options for children to use the Māori language.
 Television's 10 channels have already gained citizenship as Māori channels*1, and university building signage and public facilities are usually written in the two official languages of Aotearoa New Zealand, namely English and Māori.
 Thus, it is not hard to say that the strength of the Māori language, which was once thought to be dying out, is being revived like a phoenix in the Māori language revival movement, the Māori Renaissance.
 In total immersion schools, all subjects are taught in Māori alone. English is only taught as one subject in the upper grades. Many children who learn exclusively in Māori at school are taught predominantly in English at home. This is because, as already mentioned, the parents' generation is the generation that was deprived of the Māori language. The goal of total immersion is education by the Māori language, just as education in Japan is conducted in the Japanese language, but there is a big gap, that is, big difference in its awareness between the two. Of course, there are Māori who prefer to speak only English, but the keynote of the world in the future must be respect for the right to speak one's mother tongue, multilingualism, and multiculturalism.

1: Māori Channel was launched on March 28, 2004.
